Max Open Files Limit on MacOS for the JVM
We have all been there before; you hit that invisible wall and cannot get through it.
If you have not, try to run a Java application that requires more than 10240 open file descriptors on macOS!
I think you can already guess what this post is about. Yes, exactly that -
, launchctl
, sysctl
, a mysterious 10240 wall, the frustration, and
the sleepless nights...
The problem
Some applications, such as QuestDB, sometimes just have to open lots of files. While querying a database table which contains a large amount of historical data, we can easily hit limits set by the operating system.
One such limit is the maximum number of file descriptors a process is allowed to
use. On most operating systems, it is straightforward to
increase this limit,
usually required after the database reaches a certain size. It turns out to be
more involved on macOS. You try to use ulimit
, launchctl
, sysctl
, and it
seems that the limit has been increased, but the application still hits a wall.
After some research, you may find references to a legendary macOS-specific limit
set at 10240. Digging deeper, going through endless pages until someone hints
about a JVM option in a random Stack Overflow answer. This option, namely
, instructs the JVM to ignore this limit.
What is this limit exactly? Does the magic JVM option really help? I decided to clear up the confusion by running a small test using QuestDB.
The experiment
Test application
Below is a small Java application I used for the test. This app ingests rows into QuestDB and queries them after ingesting every ten rows:
public class SenderExamples {public static void main(String[] args) {final Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();c.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2020);c.set(Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.JANUARY);c.set(Calendar.DATE, 1);c.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0);c.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);c.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);c.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);c.add(Calendar.DATE, 0);try (Sender sender = Sender.builder(Sender.Transport.TCP).address("localhost:9009").build()) {for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {c.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);sender.table("test").longColumn("id", i).stringColumn("name", "Joe Adams " + i).at(c.getTime().getTime() * 1_000_000);if (i % 10 == 0) {sender.flush();Os.sleep(50);runQuery();}}} catch (IOException e) {throw new RuntimeException(e);}}private static void runQuery() throws IOException {final String request = "http://localhost:9000/exp?src=con&query=test";final URL url = new URL(request);final URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();connection.setDoOutput(true);final StringBuilder rows = new StringBuilder();try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()))) {int c;while ((c = != -1) {rows.append((char) c);}}System.out.println(rows);}}
The database table has three columns and is partitioned by day. As the timestamp is increased by one day in each iteration, each row goes into a new partition. Each ingested row creates a new directory with three new column files on the disk. We need 40 additional file descriptors (10 directories + 30 column files) for every query as we ingest more data.
Let's see how far this application can get with different limit settings. The number of rows ingested successfully will reveal to us the limit in each scenario.
Limits set for the test
First, let's check the limits set for this test.
System limits:
> sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 16384 2147483647> sysctl -a | grep kern.maxfkern.maxfiles: 2147483647kern.maxfilesperproc: 16384
Default soft and hard limits for max open files in the shell:
> ulimit -S -n256> ulimit -H -nunlimited
And we know that the JVM has its own limit too:
Without the -XX:-MaxFDLimit
With the above limit settings, the application could ingest 2510 rows before
QuestDB failed with errno=24
(max open files limit breach).
2510,"Joe Adams 2510","2026-11-16T12:00:00.000000Z"
This makes sense, 4 * 2510 = 10040
. 10240 - 10040 = 200
, the missing 200
file descriptors are used by QuestDB for something else, not for the query.
Changing the soft limit had no impact:
> ulimit -S -n 40962510,"Joe Adams 2510","2026-11-16T12:00:00.000000Z"
When I set the hard limit for the session to lower than 10240, it was honored:
> ulimit -H -n 81921990,"Joe Adams 1990","2025-06-14T11:00:00.000000Z"
4 * 1990 + 200 = 8160
; it is about 8192.
After raising the hard limit to above 10240, I hit the JVM's own limit again:
> ulimit -H -n 122882510,"Joe Adams 2510","2026-11-16T12:00:00.000000Z"
With the -XX:-MaxFDLimit
Then I added the -XX:-MaxFDLimit
option in
, the script used to
run the database. This is how far the test app got:
950,"Joe Adams 950","2022-08-09T11:00:00.000000Z"
Very unexpected! The expectation was to hit the hard limit of 12288 after removing the 10240 wall. Instead, we found a much lower limit somewhere around 4000.
4 * 950 + 200 = 4000
, the closest value is the previously set soft limit,
which is 4096.
I increased the soft limit and changed the hard limit to Integer.MAX
(basically unlimited).
> ulimit -H -n 2147483647> ulimit -S -n 122883030,"Joe Adams 3030","2028-04-19T11:00:00.000000Z"
4 * 3030 + 200 = 12320
; very close to 12288. This proves that QuestDB started
to use the soft limit instead of the hard limit!
When changing the soft limit to unlimited, we hit the system level limit set
earlier (kern.maxfilesperproc: 16384
> ulimit -S -n 21474836474050,"Joe Adams 4050","2031-02-03T12:00:00.000000Z"
4 * 4050 + 200 = 16400
; it is around 16384.
For the last test, I opened a new shell and went back to the default limits:
> ulimit -S -n256> ulimit -H -nunlimited10,"Joe Adams 10","2020-01-12T12:00:00.000000Z"
Only ten rows, but I kind of expected the result. 4 * 10 + 200 = 240
; this is
very close to 256.
What this means is that if we want to remove the JVM's own limit by adding the
option, we need to set the soft limit to something reasonable.
Since most of us would expect the hard limit to be used as the absolute limit, it would probably make sense to change the soft limit to the hard limit.
This would be backward compatible, too. Currently, for QuestDB on macOS, we have
the 10240 as an absolute limit unless someone has set a hard limit lower than
that (e.g., ulimit -H -n 8192
). After removing the 10240 limit, QuestDB will
switch to the soft limit, so the existing hard limit should also be set as soft
limit. Otherwise, suddenly we could start using a much lower value, as defined
by the soft limit. The default could be as low as 256!
The JVM on macOS has its own built-in max open files limit, set to 10240. This
limit can be removed by passing the -XX:-MaxFDLimit
option to the JVM.
However, if the built-in limit is removed, the JVM starts to use the soft limit as the absolute limit. Soft limits can be set very low, which makes the JVM option seemingly not working. This should be taken into consideration when using this JVM option.
Note about the 10240 limit
You might wonder about the origins of the mysterious 10240 limit in the macOS JVM. Thanks to my colleague, Jaromir Hamala, we know that it comes from here:
#ifdef __APPLE__// Darwin returns RLIM_INFINITY for rlim_max, but fails with EINVAL if// you attempt to use RLIM_INFINITY. As per setrlimit(2), OPEN_MAX must// be used insteadnbr_files.rlim_cur = MIN(OPEN_MAX, nbr_files.rlim_cur);#endif
is defined in a header file as:
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX13.3.sdk/usr/include/sys/syslimits.h#define OPEN_MAX 10240 /* max open files per process - todo, make a config option? */
There you go, 10240!