Motion uses QuestDB for high-performance API analytics
Learn how fast-growing startup Motion uses QuestDB to monitor and handle their rapidly growing API usage.
Motion relies on QuestDB
Motion leverages QuestDB to enhance their AI-infused productivity tools, ensuring high performance and reliability for millions of users worldwide.
SELECTTimestamp AS hour,SUM(count) AS requests_per_hourFROMAPI_usageWHEREtimestamp >= dateadd('d', -1, timestamp('d', now()))SAMPLE BY1H ALIGN TO CALENDAR
Powerful SQL for dashboards
Track massive numbers of API calls and downsample the results based on periods of time. With QuestDB time-series native SQL extensions, Motion manages and downsamples these events using "SAMPLE BY".
Familiar syntax, unfamiliar performance
Motion leverages the Postgres Wire Protocol to do transactional inserts, which interacts with the front end of their application in NodeJS. For the Motion team, the Posgres Wire Protocol offered a familiar and straightforward option to get started.