QuestDB vs. InfluxDB

Looking for peak time-series? Amplify ingestion and query speeds and significantly reduce infrastructure costs and complexity.

Brightcom logo

QuestDB's remarkable performance is evident through significantly faster query response times and outstanding real-time data ingestion. Deployment and maintenance of QuestDB proved to be trivial with literally zero production hiccups for over a year now.

>Gil Ditkovski
VP ProductBrightcom

Simply the fastest time-series database

Highest cardinality? Check

QuestDB significantly outpaces InfluxDB in pure performance. Ingest speeds are 5-12x faster, while more complex queries can see orders of magnitude improvement. Overcome infrastructure bottlenecks and break free from cardinality limits. Bring all your unique values!

Charts and data visualizations...

Try the live demo

Query over 2 billion rows in milliseconds in the QuestDB Web Console using SQL

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See query results  >

No DSL required. Enjoy simple SQL.

Reduce complexity and accelerate time-to-value.

Downsample data

Aggregate data into one-minute intervals, reduce the granularity and size of the dataset for efficiency.


from(bucket: "example-bucket")
|> range(start: -1h)
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
r._measurement == "cpu" and
r.cpu == "cpu-total"
|> aggregateWindow(every: 1m, fn: mean)


SELECT timestamp,
FROM 'example-bucket'
WHERE timestamp > dateadd('h', -1, now())

ASOF Joins

Join two tables and get a column from each table where the timestamp matches.


f1 = from(bucket: "example-bucket-1")
|> range(start: "-1h")
|> filter(fn: (r) => r._field == "f1")
|> drop(columns: "_measurement")
f2 = from(bucket: "example-bucket-2")
|> range(start: "-1h")
|> filter(fn: (r) => r._field == "f2")
|> drop(columns: "_measurement")
union(tables: [f1, f2])
|> pivot(
rowKey: ["_time"],
columnKey: ["_field"],
valueColumn: "_value"


SELECT a.timestamp, f1, b.timestamp, f2
FROM 'example-table-1' a
ASOF JOIN 'example-table-2' b;
Copenhagen Atomics logo

QuestDB was our choice for real time data due to high performance, open source, high flexibility and great support. Performance was significantly better than the competition and we believe that QuestDB will become market leading.

>Lasse Tarp
Software Group managerCopenhagen Atomics

// QuestDB Rust client
use questdb::{
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let mut sender = Sender::from_conf(
let mut buffer = Buffer::new();
.symbol("id", "toronto1")?
.column_f64("temperature", 20.0)?
.column_i64("humidity", 50)?
sender.flush(&mut buffer)?;

Full ILP compatibility

One string away from top performance

QuestDB supports the InfluxDB Line Protocol (ILP). Apply first-party ILP via the official QuestDB clients. Top performance, useful feedback and clear docs. Upgrade your ingress with a string change. Well documented clients are available for Java, Go, Python, Rust, .NET and Node.js, and more.

Pacific Crane Management Company logo

InfluxDB could not deal with the shape of our data, which includes wide tables with thousands of column. Instead, we could ingest this data flawlessly into QuestDB, and then query it with SQL easily.

>Chandler Jones
Software EngineerPacific Crane Management Company

Apache 2.0 plus Enterprise

Always open source, or Enterprise

Open source under Apache 2.0. Enterprise for premium features like distributed clusters, role-based access control, support SLAs and more. That's it. Clear and simple!

QuestDB dashboard. logo

We switched from InfluxDB to QuestDB to get queries that are on average 300x faster utilizing 1/4 of the hardware, without ever overtaxing our servers.

>Armenak Mayalian

Future roadmap, from our community

Blazing speed, bright future

Globally distributed, hyper-fast next generation database

Sassy QDB dashboard
Open formats
Leverages existing open formats. No vendor lock-in.
Apache Parquet
Enhanced compression and encoding, for ingress or egress.
Super read/write
In-memory processing via Apache Arrow, combined with SQL.
Full stream
Stream market data in from feeds or sensors, apply Parquet on read
Direct to Parquet?
Bypass QuestDB ingest, query Parquet directly from the object store
Versatile ecosystem
Diverse clients connect to your data, app, AI and ML frameworks

Ready to upgrade?

Break free from ingestion speed bottlenecks

Spin up in minutes

Download QuestDB