Build your own resource monitor with QuestDB and Grafana

QuestDB is a high performance time-series database with SQL analytics that can power through data ingestion and analysis. It's open source and integrates with many tools and languages. Give us a try!

There are many open tools that allow system administrators to monitor resource utilisation such as CPU, memory, disk, and network. While most of these tools only display the data in an interface, few offer to store the data and make it available to query - or visualize - at a later date.

In this tutorial we'll build a small resource monitor to do just that:

  1. Polls a system for resource usage
  2. Saves the output in a QuestDB instance
  3. Display the output Grafana in realtime

We'll also see how we can use the resulting time series to correlate with other events such as running a particular bit of code. By the end, you'll have a solid template that deepens your understand of both resource monitoring and analysis and the code/resource relationship.


To reproduce examples in this tutorial, you need

  • A running instance of QuestDB
  • A running instance of Grafana
  • Sample data. In this case, we'll use psutil to generate data about local ressource usage (CPU, Ram) within a Python script.

Generate data with psutil

In this article, we'll use Python.

It's clear and readable, and the basics apply to many other languages.

The psutil library will raise information about local resource usage.

It performs a variety of functions to get resource information, including looking at and even managing system related process.. We can put its features into two main buckets: (1) system monitoring and (2) process management:

  • System monitoring:

    • Monitor resource utilization like CPU, memory, disks, network, sensors and so on
    • Retrieve system uptime and boot time
    • Access information about system users, battery status, and disk partitions
  • Process management:

    • System process infomoration, such as their ID, name, status & CPU/memory usage
    • Control processes; terminate or kill them
    • List active processes or search for specific ones

The utility will generate data for us.

We'll start with CPU and RAM - the basics.

Ingest resource data into QuestDB

We can then ingest the data using the QuestDB Python client as follows:

import psutil
from questdb.ingress import Sender, TimestampNanos

def sendCPUinformation(sender, cpu, ts):
i = 0
for core in cpu:
symbols={'id': str(i)},
columns={'pct': core},
i += 1

def sendRAMinformation(sender, ram, ts):
columns={'pct': ram[2],
'gb': ram[3] / 1000000000},

with Sender('localhost', 9000) as sender:
while True:
cpu = psutil.cpu_percent(0.5,percpu=True)
ram = psutil.virtual_memory()
ts =
sendCPUinformation(sender, cpu, ts)
sendRAMinformation(sender, ram, ts)

Show multiple symbols

In the above example, we made a design decision to treat all CPU readings as one series with an associated symbol column to identify the individual CPUs. An advantage of this approach is that to show all individual CPUs, we don't need to manually type something verbose like select CPU1, CPU2, … from in our SQL queries.

Instead, we can go with something like the following:

WHERE $__timeFilter(timestamp)

However, when plotting in Grafana, we get something like this:

Graph showing spiky CPU utilization data. It's very jagged going up into normal ranges around the 55% mark down to near zero every few milliseconds.
Click to zoom

In this very spiky view, we do not see the full granularity we would if we segregated by each core. Even if this is indeed in the data. To prove that it is, we can see the data returned by the query in the Grafana inspector:

Data returned by the query showing CPU usage per core. It's spiky and not too helpful.
Click to zoom

So what we are shown is in reality the succession of all the CPU readings as if they were the same series. We can see what's going on more clearly by zooming in on the chart:

Zoomed-in view showing individual CPU readings. It's also spiky and unhelpful.
Click to zoom

Grafana requires us to 'tell' it that the series are in fact different using the partition by values transformation. We can access it by selecting the Transform data tab above the query editor:

Partition by values transformation in Grafana. A UI screenshot.
Click to zoom

The setup is rather simple.

We point the field at our partitioning symbol, in this case the cpu id:

Grafana configuration with partitioning symbol
Click to zoom

As a result, we can now see our individual series instead of a composite:

Graph showing individual CPU series
Click to zoom

Improving readability

Our little resource monitor collects a lot of data.

Perhaps a bit too much for this chart to be readable!

One way we could make this more legible is to use moving averages through window functions such as the following:

avg(pct) OVER (
ORDER BY timestamp
WHERE $__timeFilter(timestamp)
Graph showing moving averages for CPU data
Click to zoom

While this is definitely less noisy, the moving average is a lagging indicator that tends to smoothen values over time. Fortunately, our partition by values transformation translates well into other chart types. With it, we can create multiple panels in one go.

We change the chart type from time series to Stat...

And end up with the following:

Stat panel showing moving averages for CPU data
Click to zoom

Expanding scope with psutil

So far we only looked at cpu usage. But psutil has loads more utilities. For example, as we described earlier, it can monitor IO, network, disk, battery, fans, temperatures, and more.

Let's look at an expanded case, with some sample charts:

import psutil
from questdb.ingress import Sender, TimestampNanos

def sendCPUinformation(sender, cpu, ts):
i = 0
for core in cpu:
symbols={'id': str(i)},
columns={'pct': core},
i += 1

def sendRAMinformation(sender, ram, ts):
columns={'pct': ram[2],
'gb': ram[3] / 1000000000},

def sendCPUtimeInformation(sender, data, ts):
for core in data:
symbols={'id': str(i)},
columns={'idle': core.idle,
'user': core.user,
'system': core.system,
'nice': core.nice

def sendBatteryInformation(sender, data, ts):
columns={'percent': data.percent,
'plugged': 1 if data.power_plugged else 0},

def sendSwapInformation(sender, data, ts):
'used': data.used,
'pct': data.percent},

with Sender('localhost', 9000) as sender:
while True:
cpu = psutil.cpu_percent(0.5,percpu=True)
ram = psutil.virtual_memory()
ts =
cpu_time = psutil.cpu_times_percent(0.5,percpu=True)
battery = psutil.sensors_battery()
swap = psutil.swap_memory()



All graphed up, it looks like this:

Graphs showing multiple resource data points in Grafana
Click to zoom

Fancy! It would look natural in any network operation centre!

What's happening in the code?

We've added some extra goodies to CPU and memory:

  • sendCPUtimeInformation: Deeper CPU time statistics - idle, user, system, nice - per core.
  • sendBatteryInformation: Battery status, percentage and charging status.
  • sendSwapInformation: Collects swap memory statistics - total, used, free, percent.

Correlating events and resources

We have resources. And our application - whatever it is - will have events.

Say, for example, this generic event:

def log_event(sender, event_name, ts):
symbols={'event': event_name},
columns={'timestamp': ts},

with Sender('localhost', 9000) as sender:
ts =
log_event(sender, 'application_start', ts)

Now, our little logging function can take context from anywhere in the application space. With it, we can then assemble our resource data and our event data and correlate them with a SQL query:

FROM cpu
LEFT JOIN events ON cpu.timestamp = events.timestamp
WHERE cpu.timestamp BETWEEN '2024-05-01' AND '2024-05-02'
AND $__timeFilter(cpu.timestamp)

This LEFT JOIN looks for a time-range to look for CPU usage as it relates to specific events. Maybe the really_really_big_parse event is bogging your system down. Or perhaps it's little_seemingly_unimportant_event.


This article lays the foundation for resource monitoring and event tracking. It then using this foundation to correlate these two aspects. With QuestDB under-the-hood, such a monitoring system can scale to great heights. Powerful SQL queries enable deep analysis and Grafana visualizations.

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