How to upgrade and benchmark a Raspberry Pi5

QuestDB is the world's fast growing time-series database. It offers premium ingestion throughput, enhanced SQL analytics that can power through analysis, and cost-saving hardware efficiency. It's open source and integrates with many tools and languages.

This article will demonstrate how to upgrade your Raspberry Pi with an SSD and operating system setup which can take advantage of the new hardware. It'll then show how to setup your OS, the time-series benchmarking suite, and install QuestDB.

With this preparation, you can follow along with our own benchmarking attempt. It's helpful for those who want to install an M.2 NVMe on their Raspberry Pi, or those who want to do that and benchmark QuestDB.

Make a Pi

Step one. Supe up the Pi.

And for that, we'll use a very solid M.2 NVMe SSD.

A Pi 5, its case, and the NVMe extension. Covered in Raspberryes! Yes, real ones. The fruit. On a nice wooden slab. My good friend Oleksiy made it. He's a great guy.

Our chosen NVMe drive will exceed 2000mb/s in both read and write. A top-of-the-line SD card will tickle 300mb/s at best. With a very fast NVMe drive, we'll move data as fast as the CPU can handle. Our bottleneck won't be storage. And an NVMe drive is also much more durable.

To prevent this article from stretching too long, we'll summarize the build steps and link to high quality resources.

Attach the M.2 drive

Our next step is to attach the NVMe drive to the Pi.

The manufacturer of the M.2 extension kit, Pimoroni, offers clear and easy-to-follow documentation.

It involves fastening the Pi to the board:

The NVMe base with the Sabrent drive attached. It's small, clean and cool looking.

Then assembling it all together, with the delicate-yet-responsible bridge strip cable snapped-in:

The assembled Pi! It's still raw, out of the case, but looks good stacked up with the NVMe base.

After that, we secure it in the case. We recommend using a case with a fan. The extra air movement will ensure your Pi stays cool and comfortable, even during intense benchmarks.

All of the remaining steps occur on the software-side.

Set the Pi to M.2

For this step, we followed a solid guide from Tom's Hardware.

The M.2 is not automatically detected. To enable it, we edit the Raspberry Pi firmware settings. To do so, boot into the Pi and alter a couple configs, then reboot. If setup correctly, the system will reboot into the M.2 drive - which, at the moment, does not have an operating system.

So before we do that, we'll boot into Raspberry Pi OS one last time to pre-load our M.2 with an OS.

Install Ubuntu on the M.2

The Raspberry Pi often comes with an SD card, pre-loaded with Debian-based Raspberry Pi OS. However, to standardize our approach somewhat we’ll use the Raspberry Pi Imager — a fantastic utility — to put Ubuntu Server on our NVMe drive.

One of the finest firmware utilities you ever did see. An image of the Raspberry Pi Imager. Very simple. Choose source, OS and destination.
Finest flasher ye ever did see

It’s helpful to pre-configure users, WiFi (if applicable) and SSH. You don’t have to, but it is time saving. That way, the Pi is setup somewhere comfortable and we can SSH into it from our usual workstation.

We’ll restart into our Ubuntu Server, ready to benchmark.

Benchmark QuestDB on the Pi

Our installation steps will run in a few parts.

To help you run this on your own, they’re written as bash scripts. Copy them, set them to executable, and run them in order. This will get you going. They’re commented so that you’re aware of what they’re doing, as there’s some nifty bits.

In total, we’ll:

  • Setup our directory structure
  • Download & install Go, the Time Series Benchmarking Suite (TSBS), the latest cut of QuestDB, fresh from GitHub, and utilities and programs to facilitate such as make, maven and Java
  • Generate a boat load of sample data
  • Throw that data into QuestDB, with great haste
  • Query that data out of QuestDB, with similar hastiness

Prepare dependencies

The following sets up the main directories and installs dependencies.

# Ensure running as root to avoid permission issues, especially with apt and snap
if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "This script must be run as root" >&2
exit 1

# Create the main data directory if it doesn't exist
if [ ! -d "/data/tsbs" ]; then
echo "/data/tsbs does not exist, creating..."
mkdir -p /data/tsbs/

echo "Navigating to /data directory..."
cd /data

# Install Go using snap
echo "Installing Go..."
snap install go --classic

# Clone the TSBS repository if it doesn't exist
if [ ! -d "tsbs" ]; then
echo "Cloning the TSBS repository..."
git clone || { echo "Failed to clone TSBS repository"; exit 1; }
cd tsbs

# Install make and other potentially missing build essentials
echo "Updating package lists..."
apt update
echo "Installing build-essential tools..."
apt install -y make build-essential || { echo "Failed to install build-essential tools"; exit 1; }

# Install Java, for ARM of course
echo "Installing Java for ARM..."
apt install -y openjdk-11-jdk || { echo "Failed to install Java"; exit 1; }
export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-arm64"
echo "Java home is set to $JAVA_HOME"

# Install Maven
echo "Installing Maven..."
apt install -y maven || { echo "Failed to install Maven"; exit 1; }

# Compile the TSBS
echo "Compiling TSBS..."
make || { echo "TSBS compilation failed"; exit 1; }

# Create data and results directories within the TSBS directory
mkdir -p data/quest results

echo "System & TSBS setup complete. Run!"

With this, we've setup the system and TSBS.

Its directory is where we’ll perform the bulk of our operations.

Set up QuestDB

Note that we’re using the no-jre-bin version of QuestDB. It’s very lightweight, and requires that we bring-our-own Java. It is less than 10MB!

The script will also initialize, configure, and start QuestDB:

# Enter data dir
cd /data/ || { echo "Failed to change directory to /data/"; exit 1; }

# Clone the QuestDB repository if it doesn't exist
if [ ! -d "questdb" ]; then
git clone || { echo "Failed to clone repository"; exit 1; }
cd questdb || { echo "Failed to change directory to questdb"; exit 1; }

# Build QuestDB without running tests
mvn clean package -DskipTests -P build-web-console,build-binaries || { echo "Build failed"; exit 1; }

# Go back to the parent directory
cd .. || { echo "Failed to navigate back to parent directory"; exit 1; }

# Copy the QuestDB binary package
cp questdb/core/target/questdb-*-no-jre-bin.tar.gz questdb-no-jre-bin.tar.gz || { echo "Failed to copy QuestDB package"; exit 1; }

# Extract the QuestDB package
tar -xvf questdb-no-jre-bin.tar.gz || { echo "Extraction failed"; exit 1; }

# Rename the QuestDB directory for easier access
mv questdb*-no-jre-bin questdb || { echo "Rename failed"; exit 1; }

# Start, then stop QuestDB to initialize configuration
./questdb/ start || { echo "QuestDB start failed"; exit 1; }
./questdb/ stop || { echo "QuestDB stop failed"; exit 1; }

# Create a directory for QuestDB root, adjust as necessary
mkdir -p /data/tsbs/QDB_ROOT || { echo "Failed to create QDB_ROOT directory"; exit 1; }

# Update the server configuration to set the database root directory
sed -i 's|#cairo.root=db|cairo.root=/data/tsbs/QDB_ROOT|g' /data/questdb-no-jre-bin/conf/server.conf || { echo "sed operation failed"; exit 1; }

# Start QuestDB with the new configuration
./questdb/ start || { echo "QuestDB start with new config failed"; exit 1; }

echo "QuestDB is alive! Setup and initial configuration complete."

QuestDB is alive and well.

You can access it at http://localhost:3000.

The endpoint we'll target is at port 9000.

Time to generate data, then ingest the data.

But that's a story for another article!


This article guided through the installation and setup of a Raspberry Pi 5 with an M.2 NVMe SSD. We also setup QuestDB. It's ready, waiting. Purring, even!

To continue the story, head to our Raspberry Pi benchmark article.

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