IPv4 Operators

This document outlines the IPv4 data type operators.

They are useful when dealing with IP addresses.

The IP addresses can be in the range of -

The address: is interpreted as null.

The following operators support string type arguments to permit the passing of netmasks:

< Lesser than

Takes two IPv4 arguments.

Returns a boolean.


Use case: testing to see if one IP address is less than another.

ipv4 '' < ipv4 '' -> T

<= Lesser than or equal

Takes two IPv4 arguments.

Returns a boolean.


Use case: testing to see if one IP address is less than or equal to another.

ipv4 '' <= ipv4 '' -> T

> Greater than

Takes two IPv4 arguments.

Returns a boolean.


Use case: testing to see if one IP address is greater than another.

ipv4 '' > ipv4 '' -> F

>= Greater than or equal

Takes two IPv4 arguments.

Returns a boolean.


Use case: testing to see if one IP address is greater than or equal to another.

ipv4 '' >= ipv4 '' -> F

= Equals

Takes two IPv4 arguments.

Returns a boolean.


Use case: testing to see if one IP address is equal to another.

ipv4 '' = ipv4 '' -> F

!= Does not equal

Takes two IPv4 arguments.

Returns a boolean.


Use case: testing to see if one IP address is not equal to another.

ipv4 '' != ipv4 '' -> T

<< Left strict IP address contained by

Takes one IPv4 argument and one string argument.

The string argument can accept IPv4 addresses with a subnet mask, the IPv4 argument cannot.

Returns a boolean.


Use case: searching ip addresses by subnet

ipv4 '' << '' -> T
ipv4 '' << '' -> F

>> Right strict IP address contained by

Takes one IPv4 argument and one string argument.

The string argument can accept IPv4 addresses with a subnet mask, the IPv4 argument cannot.

Returns a boolean.


Use case: searching ip addresses by subnet

'' >> ipv4 '' -> T
'' >> ipv4 '' -> F

<<= Left IP address contained by or equal

Takes one IPv4 argument and one string argument

The string argument can accept IPv4 addresses with a subnet mask, the IPv4 argument cannot.

Returns a boolean.


Use case: searching ip addresses by subnet

ipv4 '' <<= '' -> T
ipv4 '' <<= '' -> T

<<= Right IP address contained by or equal

Takes one IPv4 argument and one string argument

The string argument can accept IPv4 addresses with a subnet mask, the IPv4 argument cannot.

Returns a boolean.


Use case: searching ip addresses by subnet

'' >>= ipv4 ''  -> T
'' >>= ipv4 '' -> T

& Bitwise AND

Takes two IPv4 arguments.

Returns an IPv4 address.


Use case: separating an ip address into its network and host portions

ipv4 '' & ipv4 '' ->
ipv4 '' & ipv4 '' ->

~ Bitwise NOT

Takes one IPv4 argument.

Returns an IPv4 address.


Use case: computing broadcast address' bitmask from a netmask

~ ipv4 '' ->

| Bitwise OR

Takes two IPv4 arguments.

Returns an IPv4 address.


Use case: computing an ip address' broadcast address

ipv4 '' | '' ->

+ Add offset to an IP address

Takes one IPv4 argument and one integer argument.

Returns an IPv4 address.


Use case: altering an ip address

ipv4 '' + 5 ->
10 + ipv4 '' ->

- Subtract offset from IP address

Takes one IPv4 argument and one integer argument.

Returns an IPv4 address.


ipv4 '' - 5 ->

- Difference between two IP addresses

Takes two IPv4 arguments.

Returns a long.


Use case: calculating the range of unique addresses between two ip addresses

ipv4 '' - ipv4 '' -> 40

Return netmask - netmask(string)

Takes a string IPv4 argument as either:

  • ipv4 address with a netmask
  • subnet with netmask: 2.2/16

Returns an IPv4 addresses' netmask ( in IPv4 format.


Use case: Obtaining the broadcast bitmask for an ip address via performing bitwise NOT on the netmask.

Apply a bitwise OR to this result to obtain the broadcast address of an ip address.

~ netmask('')) | ipv4 '' ->