Databento is a market data aggregator that provides a single, normalized feed covering multiple venues, simplifying the process of ingesting live market data. It interfaces well with QuestDB for real-time data analysis and visualization in Grafana.
This guide will show how to ingest live market data from Databento into QuestDB and visualize it using Grafana.
For a deeper dive, see our Databento & QuestDB blog.
Install the required Python libraries:
pip3 install questdb
pip3 install databento
Ingest Data from Databento into QuestDB
Create Databento Client
Set up a Databento client with your API key:
import databento as db
db_client = db.Live(key="YOUR_API_KEY")
Subscribe to Market Data
Subscribe to a data feed, such as the CME S&P 500 E-Mini futures:
Ingest Data into QuestDB
Ingest the data into QuestDB using the Sender class:
from questdb.ingress import Sender
import numpy as np
questdb_conf = "http::addr=localhost:9000;username=admin;password=quest;"
with Sender.from_conf(questdb_conf) as sender:
symbols={'instrument': 'ESM4'},
columns={'bid_size': record.levels[0].bid_sz,
'bid': record.levels[0].bid_px*0.000000001,
'ask': record.levels[0].ask_px*0.000000001,
'ask_size': record.levels[0].ask_sz},
at=np.datetime64(record.ts_event, 'ns').astype('datetime64[ms]').astype(object))
Query QuestDB
Now that data is flowing, you can visit QuestDB at http://localhost:9000 to try some queries.
Read our SQL Overview to learn more about the power and depth of querying.
Visualize in Grafana
After ingesting the data, you can visualize it in Grafana by creating a dashboard with SQL queries such as:
SELECT timestamp, instrument, bid, ask
FROM top_of_book
WHERE $\_\_timeFilter(timestamp) AND instrument = $symbol
For more detailed analysis, create multiple charts using Grafana's variable and repeat options.
To learn the basics of QuestDB and Grafana, see our blog.
You can substitute the demonstration queries with your own!
In this guide, we set up a pipeline to ingest live market data from Databento into QuestDB and optionally created a visualization using Grafana. This setup allows you to build powerful dashboards and analyze market data efficiently.
For more information, check out Databento’s documentation.