Rust Client Documentation

QuestDB offers a Rust client designed for high-performance data ingestion. These are some of the highlights:

  • Creates tables automatically: no need to define your schema up-front.
  • Concurrent schema changes: seamlessly handle multiple data streams that modify the table schema on the fly
  • Optimized batching: buffer the data and send many rows in one go.
  • Health checks and feedback: built-in health monitoring ensures the health of your system.


  • Requires Rust 1.40 or later.
  • Assumes your QuestDB server is already running. If you don't have a QuestDB server yet, refer to the general quick start.

Add the client crate to your project

Add the QuestDB client to your project using the command line:

cargo add questdb-rs


This is how you'd set up the client to authenticate using the HTTP Basic authentication:

let mut sender = Sender::from_conf(

You can also pass the connection configuration via the QDB_CLIENT_CONF environment variable:

export QDB_CLIENT_CONF="http::addr=localhost:9000;username=admin;password=quest;"

Then you use it like this:

let mut sender = Sender::from_env()?;

When using QuestDB Enterprise, authentication can also be done via REST token. Please check the RBAC docs for more info.

Basic insert

Basic insertion (no-auth):

use questdb::{

fn main() -> Result<()> {
let mut sender = Sender::from_conf("http::addr=localhost:9000;")?;
let mut buffer = Buffer::new();
.symbol("symbol", "ETH-USD")?
.symbol("side", "sell")?
.column_f64("price", 2615.54)?
.column_f64("amount", 0.00044)?
sender.flush(&mut buffer)?;

These are the main steps it takes:

  • Use Sender::from_conf() to get the sender object
  • Populate a Buffer with one or more rows of data
  • Send the buffer using sender.flush()(Sender::flush)

In this case, the designated timestamp will be the one at execution time.

Let's see now an example with timestamps using Chrono, custom timeout, and basic auth.

You need to enable the chrono_timestamp feature to the QuestDB crate and add the Chrono crate.

cargo add questdb-rs --features chrono_timestamp
cargo add chrono
use questdb::{
use chrono::Utc;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
let mut sender = Sender::from_conf(
let mut buffer = Buffer::new();
let current_datetime = Utc::now();

.symbol("symbol", "ETH-USD")?
.symbol("side", "sell")?
.column_f64("price", 2615.54)?
.column_f64("amount", 0.00044)?

sender.flush(&mut buffer)?;

Using the current timestamp hinder the ability to deduplicate rows which is important for exactly-once processing.

Configuration options

The easiest way to configure the line sender is the configuration string. The general structure is:


transport can be http, https, tcp, or tcps. Go to the client's crate documentation for the full details on configuration.

Alternatively, for breakdown of available params, see the Configuration string page.

Don't forget to flush

The sender and buffer objects are entirely decoupled. This means that the sender won't get access to the data in the buffer until you explicitly call sender.flush(&mut buffer) or a variant. This may lead to a pitfall where you drop a buffer that still has some data in it, resulting in permanent data loss.

Unlike other official QuestDB clients, the rust client does not supports auto-flushing via configuration.

A common technique is to flush periodically on a timer and/or once the buffer exceeds a certain size. You can check the buffer's size by calling buffer.len().

The default flush() method clears the buffer after sending its data. If you want to preserve its contents (for example, to send the same data to multiple QuestDB instances), call sender.flush_and_keep(&mut buffer) instead.

Transactional flush

As described at the ILP overview, the HTTP transport has some support for transactions.

In order to ensure in advance that a flush will not affect more than one table, call sender.flush_and_keep_with_flags(&mut buffer, true). This call will refuse to flush a buffer if the flush wouldn't be data-transactional.

Error handling

The two supported transport modes, HTTP and TCP, handle errors very differently. In a nutshell, HTTP is much better at error handling.


HTTP distinguishes between recoverable and non-recoverable errors. For recoverable ones, it enters a retry loop with exponential backoff, and reports the error to the caller only after it has exhausted the retry time budget (configuration parameter: retry_timeout).

sender.flush() and variant methods communicate the error in the Result return value. The category of the error is signalled through the ErrorCode enum, and it's accompanied with an error message.

After the sender has signalled an error, it remains usable. You can handle the error as appropriate and continue using it.


TCP doesn't report errors at all to the sender; instead, the server quietly disconnects and you'll have to inspect the server logs to get more information on the reason. When this has happened, the sender transitions into an error state, and it is permanently unusable. You must drop it and create a new sender. You can inspect the sender's error state by calling sender.must_close().

For more details about the HTTP and TCP transports, please refer to the ILP overview.

Crate features

The QuestDB client crate supports some optional features, mostly related to additional library dependencies.

Default-enabled features

  • tls-webpki-certs: supports using the webpki-roots crate for TLS certificate verification.

Optional features

These features are opt-in:

  • ilp-over-http: Enables ILP/HTTP support using the ureq crate.
  • chrono_timestamp: Allows specifying timestamps as chrono::Datetime objects.
  • tls-native-certs: Supports validating TLS certificates against the OS's certificates store.
  • insecure-skip-verify: Allows skipping server certificate validation in TLS (this compromises security).

Next steps

Please refer to the ILP overview for details about transactions, error control, delivery guarantees, health check, or table and column auto-creation.

Explore the full capabilities of the Rust client via the Crate API page.

With data flowing into QuestDB, now it's time to for analysis.

To learn The Way of QuestDB SQL, see the Query & SQL Overview.

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