C & C++ Client Documentation

QuestDB supports the C & C++ programming languages, providing a high-performance ingestion client tailored for insert-only operations. This integration ensures peak efficiency in time series data ingestion and analysis, perfectly suited for systems for systems which require top performance and minimal latency.

Key features of the QuestDB C & C++ client include:

  • Automatic table creation: No need to define your schema upfront.
  • Concurrent schema changes: Seamlessly handle multiple data streams with on-the-fly schema modifications
  • Optimized batching: Use strong defaults or curate the size of your batches
  • Health checks and feedback: Ensure your system's integrity with built-in health monitoring
  • Automatic write retries: Reuse connections and retry after interruptions


  • Requires a C/C++ compiler and standard libraries.
  • Assumes QuestDB is running. If it's not, refer to the general quick start.

Client Installation

You need to add the client as a dependency to your project. Depending on your environment, you can do this in different ways. Please check the documentation at the client's repository.



This section is for the QuestDB C++ client.

For the QuestDB C Client, see the below seciton.

Explore the full capabilities of the C++ client via the C++ README.


The QuestDB C++ client supports basic connection and authentication configurations.

Here is an example of how to configure and use the client for data ingestion:

#include <questdb/ingress/line_sender.hpp>


auto sender = questdb::ingress::line_sender::from_conf(

You can also pass the connection configuration via the QDB_CLIENT_CONF environment variable:

export QDB_CLIENT_CONF="http::addr=localhost:9000;username=admin;password=quest;"

Then you use it like this:

auto sender = questdb::ingress::line_sender::from_env();

When using QuestDB Enterprise, authentication can also be done via REST token. Please check the RBAC docs for more info.

Basic data insertion

Basic insertion (no-auth):

// main.cpp
#include <questdb/ingress/line_sender.hpp>

int main()
auto sender = questdb::ingress::line_sender::from_conf(

questdb::ingress::line_sender_buffer buffer;
.column("price", 2615.54)
.column("amount", 0.00044)

// To insert more records, call `buffer.table(..)...` again.

return 0;

These are the main steps it takes:

  • Use questdb::ingress::line_sender::from_conf to get the sender object
  • Populate a Buffer with one or more rows of data
  • Send the buffer using sender.flush()(Sender::flush)

In this case, the designated timestamp will be the one at execution time.

Let's see now an example with timestamps, custom timeout, basic auth, and error control.

#include <questdb/ingress/line_sender.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>

int main()
// Create a sender using HTTP protocol
auto sender = questdb::ingress::line_sender::from_conf(

// Get the current time as a timestamp
auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto duration = now.time_since_epoch();
auto nanos = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(duration).count();

// Add rows to the buffer of the sender with the same timestamp
questdb::ingress::line_sender_buffer buffer;
.symbol("symbol", "ETH-USD")
.symbol("side", "sell")
.column("price", 2615.54)
.column("amount", 0.00044)

.symbol("symbol", "BTC-USD")
.symbol("side", "sell")
.column("price", 39269.98)
.column("amount", 0.001)

// Transactionality check
if (!buffer.transactional()) {
std::cerr << "Buffer is not transactional" << std::endl;
return 1;

// Flush the buffer of the sender, sending the data to QuestDB

// Close the connection after all rows ingested
return 0;
catch (const questdb::ingress::line_sender_error& err)
std::cerr << "Error running example: " << err.what() << std::endl;
return 1;

As you can see, both events now are using the same timestamp. We recommended using the original event timestamps when ingesting data into QuestDB. Using the current timestamp will hinder the ability to deduplicate rows which is important for exactly-once processing.



This sectioni s for the QuestDB C client.

Skip to the bottom of this page for information relating to both the C and C++ clients.


Explore the full capabilities of the C client via the C README.


The QuestDB C client supports basic connection and authentication configurations. Here is an example of how to configure and use the client for data ingestion:

#include <questdb/ingress/line_sender.h>


line_sender_utf8 conf = QDB_UTF8_LITERAL(

line_sender_error *error = NULL;
line_sender *sender = line_sender_from_conf(
line_sender_utf8, &error);
if (!sender) {
/* ... handle error ... */

You can also pass the connection configuration via the QDB_CLIENT_CONF environment variable:

export QDB_CLIENT_CONF="http::addr=localhost:9000;username=admin;password=quest;"

Then you use it like this:

#include <questdb/ingress/line_sender.h>
line_sender *sender = line_sender_from_env(&error);

Basic data insertion

// line_sender_trades_example.c
#include <questdb/ingress/line_sender.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int main() {
// Initialize line sender
line_sender_error *error = NULL;
line_sender *sender = line_sender_from_conf(
QDB_UTF8_LITERAL("http::addr=localhost:9000;username=admin;password=quest;"), &error);

if (error != NULL) {
size_t len;
const char *msg = line_sender_error_msg(error, &len);
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create line sender: %.*s\n", (int)len, msg);
return 1;

// Print success message
printf("Line sender created successfully\n");

// Initialize line sender buffer
line_sender_buffer *buffer = line_sender_buffer_new();
if (buffer == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create line sender buffer\n");
return 1;

// Add data to buffer for ETH-USD trade
if (!line_sender_buffer_table(buffer, QDB_TABLE_NAME_LITERAL("trades"), &error)) goto error;
if (!line_sender_buffer_symbol(buffer, QDB_COLUMN_NAME_LITERAL("symbol"), QDB_UTF8_LITERAL("ETH-USD"), &error)) goto error;
if (!line_sender_buffer_symbol(buffer, QDB_COLUMN_NAME_LITERAL("side"), QDB_UTF8_LITERAL("sell"), &error)) goto error;
if (!line_sender_buffer_column_f64(buffer, QDB_COLUMN_NAME_LITERAL("price"), 2615.54, &error)) goto error;
if (!line_sender_buffer_column_f64(buffer, QDB_COLUMN_NAME_LITERAL("amount"), 0.00044, &error)) goto error;
if (!line_sender_buffer_at_nanos(buffer, line_sender_now_nanos(), &error)) goto error;

// Flush the buffer to QuestDB
if (!line_sender_flush(sender, buffer, &error)) {
size_t len;
const char *msg = line_sender_error_msg(error, &len);
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to flush data: %.*s\n", (int)len, msg);
return 1;

// Print success message
printf("Data flushed successfully\n");

// Free resources

return 0;

size_t len;
const char *msg = line_sender_error_msg(error, &len);
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %.*s\n", (int)len, msg);
return 1;

In this case, the designated timestamp will be the one at execution time.

Let's see now an example with timestamps, custom timeout, basic auth, error control, and transactional awareness.

// line_sender_trades_example.c
#include <questdb/ingress/line_sender.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int main() {
// Initialize line sender
line_sender_error *error = NULL;
line_sender *sender = line_sender_from_conf(
), &error);

if (error != NULL) {
size_t len;
const char *msg = line_sender_error_msg(error, &len);
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create line sender: %.*s\n", (int)len, msg);
return 1;

// Print success message
printf("Line sender created successfully\n");

// Initialize line sender buffer
line_sender_buffer *buffer = line_sender_buffer_new();
if (buffer == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create line sender buffer\n");
return 1;

// Get current time in nanoseconds
int64_t nanos = line_sender_now_nanos();

// Add data to buffer for ETH-USD trade
if (!line_sender_buffer_table(buffer, QDB_TABLE_NAME_LITERAL("trades"), &error)) goto error;
if (!line_sender_buffer_symbol(buffer, QDB_COLUMN_NAME_LITERAL("symbol"), QDB_UTF8_LITERAL("ETH-USD"), &error)) goto error;
if (!line_sender_buffer_symbol(buffer, QDB_COLUMN_NAME_LITERAL("side"), QDB_UTF8_LITERAL("sell"), &error)) goto error;
if (!line_sender_buffer_column_f64(buffer, QDB_COLUMN_NAME_LITERAL("price"), 2615.54, &error)) goto error;
if (!line_sender_buffer_column_f64(buffer, QDB_COLUMN_NAME_LITERAL("amount"), 0.00044, &error)) goto error;
if (!line_sender_buffer_at_nanos(buffer, nanos, &error)) goto error;

// Add data to buffer for BTC-USD trade
if (!line_sender_buffer_table(buffer, QDB_TABLE_NAME_LITERAL("trades"), &error)) goto error;
if (!line_sender_buffer_symbol(buffer, QDB_COLUMN_NAME_LITERAL("symbol"), QDB_UTF8_LITERAL("BTC-USD"), &error)) goto error;
if (!line_sender_buffer_symbol(buffer, QDB_COLUMN_NAME_LITERAL("side"), QDB_UTF8_LITERAL("sell"), &error)) goto error;
if (!line_sender_buffer_column_f64(buffer, QDB_COLUMN_NAME_LITERAL("price"), 39269.98, &error)) goto error;
if (!line_sender_buffer_column_f64(buffer, QDB_COLUMN_NAME_LITERAL("amount"), 0.001, &error)) goto error;
if (!line_sender_buffer_at_nanos(buffer, nanos, &error)) goto error;

// If we detect multiple tables within the same buffer, we abort to avoid potential
// inconsistency issues. Read below in this page for transaction details
if (!line_sender_buffer_transactional(buffer)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Buffer is not transactional\n");
return 1;

// Flush the buffer to QuestDB
if (!line_sender_flush(sender, buffer, &error)) {
size_t len;
const char *msg = line_sender_error_msg(error, &len);
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to flush data: %.*s\n", (int)len, msg);
return 1;

// Print success message
printf("Data flushed successfully\n");

// Free resources

return 0;

size_t len;
const char *msg = line_sender_error_msg(error, &len);
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %.*s\n", (int)len, msg);
return 1;

As you can see, both events use the same timestamp. We recommended using the original event timestamps when ingesting data into QuestDB. Using the current timestamp hinder the ability to deduplicate rows which is important for exactly-once processing.

Other Considerations for both C and C++

Configuration options

The easiest way to configure the line sender is the configuration string. The general structure is:


transport can be http, https, tcp, or tcps. The C/C++ and Rust clients share the same codebase. Please refer to the Rust client's documentation for the full details on configuration.

Alternatively, for a breakdown of Configuration string options available across all clients, see the Configuration string page.

Don't forget to flush

The sender and buffer objects are entirely decoupled. This means that the sender won't get access to the data in the buffer until you explicitly call sender.flush or line_sender_flush. This may lead to a pitfall where you drop a buffer that still has some data in it, resulting in permanent data loss.

Unlike other official QuestDB clients, the Rust client does not supports auto-flushing via configuration.

A common technique is to flush periodically on a timer and/or once the buffer exceeds a certain size. You can check the buffer's size by calling buffer.size() or line_sender_buffer_size(..).

The default flush() method clears the buffer after sending its data. If you want to preserve its contents (for example, to send the same data to multiple QuestDB instances), call sender.flush_and_keep(&mut buffer) instead.

Transactional flush

As described in the ILP overview, the HTTP transport has some support for transactions.

To ensure in advance that a flush will not affect more than one table, call buffer.transactional() or line_sender_buffer_transactional(buffer) as we demonstrated on the examples in this document.

This call will return false if the flush wouldn't be data-transactional.

Next Steps

Please refer to the ILP overview for details about transactions, error control, delivery guarantees, health check, or table and column auto-creation.

With data flowing into QuestDB, now it's time to for analysis.

To learn The Way of QuestDB SQL, see the Query & SQL Overview.

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