SELECT keyword

SELECT allows you to specify a list of columns and expressions to be selected and evaluated from a table.


Looking for SELECT best practices? Checkout our Maximize your SQL efficiency: SELECT best practices blog.


Flow chart showing the syntax of the SELECT keyword

Note: table can either a specified table in your database or passed forward as the result of a sub-query.

Simple select

All columns

QuestDB supports SELECT * FROM tablename. When selecting all, you can also omit most of the statement and pass the table name.

The two examples below are equivalent

QuestDB dialect
Traditional SQL equivalent
SELECT * FROM trades;

Specific columns

To select specific columns, replace * by the names of the columns you are interested in.


SELECT timestamp, symbol, side FROM trades;


Using aliases allow you to give expressions or column names of your choice. You can assign an alias to a column or an expression by writing the alias name you want after that expression.


Alias names and column names must be unique.

SELECT timestamp, symbol,
price AS rate,
amount quantity
FROM trades;

Notice how you can use or omit the AS keyword.

Arithmetic expressions

SELECT is capable of evaluating multiple expressions and functions. You can mix comma separated lists of expressions with the column names you are selecting.

SELECT timestamp, symbol,
price * 0.25 AS price25pct,
amount > 10 AS over10
FROM trades

The result of amount > 10 is a boolean. The column will be named "over10" and take values true or false.

Boolean expressions

Supports AND/OR, NOT & XOR.

AND and OR

AND returns true if both operands are true, and false otherwise.

OR returns true if at least one of the operands is true.

(true AND false) AS this_will_return_false,
(true OR false) AS this_will_return_true;


NOT inverts the truth value of the operand.

NOT (true AND false) AS this_will_return_true;


^ is the bitwise XOR operator. It applies only to the Long data type. Depending on what you need, you might prefer to cast the input and output to boolean values.

(1 ^ 1) AS will_return_0,
(1 ^ 20) AS will_return_21,
(true::int ^ false::long)::boolean AS will_return_true,
(true::int ^ true::long)::boolean AS will_return_false;


Supported aggregation functions are listed on the aggregation reference.

Aggregation by group

QuestDB evaluates aggregation functions without need for traditional GROUP BY whenever there is a mix of column names and aggregation functions in a SELECT clause. You can have any number of discrete value columns and any number of aggregation functions. The three statements below are equivalent.

QuestDB dialect
SELECT symbol, avg(price), count()
FROM trades;
Traditional SQL equivalent
SELECT symbol, avg(price), count()
FROM trades
GROUP BY Symbol;
Traditional SQL equivalent with positional argument
SELECT symbol, avg(price), count()
FROM trades

Aggregation arithmetic

Aggregation functions can be used in arithmetic expressions. The following computes mid of prices for every symbol.

SELECT symbol, (min(price) + max(price))/2 mid, count() count
FROM trades;

Whenever possible, it is recommended to perform arithmetic outside of aggregation functions as this can have a dramatic impact on performance. For example, min(price/2) is going to execute considerably more slowly than min(price)/2, although both return the same result.

Supported clauses

QuestDB supports the following standard SQL clauses within SELECT statements.


Conditional results based on expressions.


Flow chart showing the syntax of CASE

For more information, please refer to the CASE reference


Convert values and expression between types.


Flow chart showing the syntax of the CAST keyword

For more information, please refer to the CAST reference


Returns distinct values of the specified column(s).


Flow chart showing the syntax of the DISTINCT keyword

For more information, please refer to the DISTINCT reference.


Defines filling strategy for missing data in aggregation queries. This function complements SAMPLE BY queries.


Flow chart showing the syntax of the FILL keyword

For more information, please refer to the FILL reference.


Join tables based on a key or timestamp.


Flow chart showing the syntax of the high-level syntax of the JOIN keyword

For more information, please refer to the JOIN reference


Specify the number and position of records returned by a query.


Flow chart showing the syntax of the LIMIT keyword

For more information, please refer to the LIMIT reference.


Orders the results of a query by one or several columns.


Flow chart showing the syntax of the ORDER BY keyword

For more information, please refer to the ORDER BY reference


Combine the results of two or more select statements. Can include or ignore duplicates.


Flow chart showing the syntax of the UNION, EXCEPT & INTERSECT keyword

For more information, please refer to the UNION, EXCEPT & INTERSECT reference


Filters query results


Flow chart showing the syntax of the WHERE clause

QuestDB supports complex WHERE clauses along with type-specific searches. For more information, please refer to the WHERE reference. There are different syntaxes for text, numeric, or timestamp filters.

Additional time-series clauses

QuestDB augments SQL with the following clauses.


Retrieves the latest entry by timestamp for a given key or combination of keys This function requires a designated timestamp.


Flow chart showing the syntax of the LATEST ON keyword

For more information, please refer to the LATEST ON reference.


Aggregates time-series data into homogeneous time chunks. For example daily average, monthly maximum etc. This function requires a designated timestamp.


Flow chart showing the syntax of the SAMPLE BY keyword

For more information, please refer to the SAMPLE BY reference.


Dynamically creates a designated timestamp on the output of a query. This allows to perform timestamp operations like SAMPLE BY or LATEST ON on tables which originally do not have a designated timestamp.


The output query must be ordered by time. TIMESTAMP() does not check for order and using timestamp functions on unordered data may produce unexpected results.


Flow chart showing the syntax of the timestamp function

For more information, refer to the TIMESTAMP reference