Redpanda Connect (Benthos)

Integration guide

Redpanda Connect is a stream processing tool that can be used to build data pipelines. It's a lightweight alternative to Apache Kafka Connect. This guide shows the steps to use the Redpanda Connect to write JSON data as rows into a QuestDB table.


You will need the following:

Download Redpanda Connect

The QuestDB output component was added to Redpanda Connect in version v4.37.0.

To download the latest version of Redpanda Connect, follow the installation instructions in the official documentation.

Configure Redpanda Connect

One of Redpanda Connect's strengths is the ability to configure an entire data pipeline in a single yaml file. We will create a simple configuration to demonstrate the QuestDB connector's capabilities by using a straightforward input source.

Create this file and name it config.yaml in your current directory

stdin: {}

address: localhost:9000
table: redpanda_connect_demo
- price
designated_timestamp_field: timestamp

This configuration will read lines from stdin and publish them to your running QuestDB instance

Run Redpanda Connect and publish messages

Run the following command to send some messages to QuestDB through Redpanda Connect

echo \
'{"symbol": "AAPL", "price": 225.83, "timestamp": 1727294094}
{"symbol": "MSFT", "price": 431.78, "timestamp": 1727294142}' \
| rpk connect run config.yaml

The command above sends two JSON messages to Redpanda Connect standard input, which then writes them to QuestDB.

Verify the integration

Navigate to the QuestDB Web Console at http://localhost:9000 and run the following query to see your data:

FROM redpanda_connect_demo

Next steps

Explore Redpanda Connect's official documentation to learn more about its capabilities and how to use it in your projects.